On September 22, 2020, an operational meeting was held by videoconference between the Head of the Treasury Tetiana Sliuz and the Secretary General of the International Association of Treasury Services (AIST) Jean-Marc Neil (France)., the Deputy Secretary General of the AIST Abdessamad Kasimi (Morocco).
Tetiana Sliuz as the President of AIST in 2020 coordinates the work of the Association. It is time to agree on organizational issues related to the culmination of the AIST in 2020 - the General Assembly.
During the conversation, Tetiana Sliuz had agreed preparatory documents for the Assembly meeting. The participants of the meeting also worked out decisions that will be submitted to the members of the AIST Executive Bureau, which will meet on September 24 this year.
Given the current global health crisis caused by the 2019-nCoV coronavirus, the next meeting of the Executive Bureau and the General Assembly, as well as other activities of the Association in 2020, will be held via videoconference.