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A meeting of the Panel of the Treasury was held

опубліковано 09 November 2021 року, 19:00

Today, November 9, 2021, a meeting of the Panel of the Treasury chaired by the Head of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine Tetiana Sliuz took place. The meeting was dedicated to the results of the Treasury's work for January-October 2021 and was held in compliance with anti-epidemic requirements.

The heads of the structural subdivisions of the Treasury staff, the management staff of the main departments and the Treasury departments joined the work of the Panel remotely - in the mode of videoconferencing and audio broadcasting.

The following issues were submitted to the Panel in accordance with the agenda:

on the state and priorities of digital development and digital transformations of Treasury processes;

topical issues related to the management of Single Treasury Account funds at the end of the budget year;

peculiarities of using certain subventions from the state budget and servicing local budgets in connection with the end of the budget year;

on the state of vaccination against COVID-19 in the Treasury;

problematic issues of budget execution by territorial bodies of the Treasury at the end of the budget year.

In her introductory speech, the Head of the Treasury Tetiana Sliuz focused on topical issues related to the implementation of the Treasury's powers, in particular, the end of the budget year, further automation of processes, increasing the number of budget managers / recipients serviced using the remote service "Client of the Treasury - Treasury", the need to amend the Guidelines for the application of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine measures of influence for violations of budget legislation, approved by the order of the Treasury from 29.12.2012 № 394.

In addition, T. Sliuz paid considerable attention to the health of treasurers of Ukraine - vaccination against COVID-19 and heating of the territorial bodies of the Treasury.

The heads of the main departments of the Treasury joined the discussion of urgent issue.

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