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Treasury of Ukraine took part in international webinar of AIST

опубліковано 01 December 2021 року, 19:20

Today, on 1 December 2021, by videoconferencing was holding a thematic webinar of International Association of Treasury Services (AIST).

The event, traditionally, was opened by General-Secretary Catherine Lemesle, who pointed out high level of presence from AIST member-countries.

President of Association, Head of State Treasury Service of Ukraine Tetiana Sliuz had greeted participants and had given thanks to everyone who found time to participate in exchanging of experience of

As the President of the Association, the event was greeted by the Head of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine Tetiana Sliuz and thanked all those present for their time and opportunity to participate in the exchange of treasury experiences and practices online.  

 The webinar was also attended by representatives of relevant independent structural units, namely: the Department of Methodology for Budget Service, Accounting, Reporting and Development of the Treasury, the Department of Accounting for State and Local Budgets, the Internal Audit Department.

The main task of the webinar was to work on the topic: "Reliability of Accounting" with two subtopics:

- Temporary accounts;

- Internal audit procedures.

The presentation on the temporary accounts and the experience of his country in the field of treasury servicing of budget funds was given by the Senegalese expert Amadou Birahim Guyue.

A report on the specifics of internal audit procedures in the field of finance was made by French expert Pierre Farulich.

After the presentations, the topics were discussed, during which the speakers answered the questions of their colleagues.

Cooperation between the member countries of the Association has not stopped throughout 2021, given the current challenges.

In addition to solving administrative issues for the Association, the exchange of practical experience is a priority. An additional evidence of this was the webinar held today with the participation of about 60 financial experts from Europe, Asia and Africa.

Tetiana Sliuz noted that the webinar was constructive and suggested holding a regular meeting of the Executive Bureau of the Association early next year to discuss issues of cooperation and development within the AIST in 2022.

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